The Gang's All Here

Pastors, Staff, & Lay Elders

Pastoral Team

This team serves as the primary ministry leads and weekly oversees the spiritual and relational health  of our congregation. Although this team functions cohesively no matter our titles, the title of "Pastor" is given upon completion of the licensing process with the Christian and Missionary Alliance, our accrediting denomination, or similar Pastoral experience/licensure. 

Rev. Baly Botten

Lead Pastor
Baly started at SVA in September of 2016 as the Family Life Intern. You can catch he and his wife Emily chasing their toddler daughter Harbor around a local playground and finishing the night with a gooey chocolate chip cookie!

Jared Gibbs

Worship Director
Jared played his way onto the team in July of 2022. A perfect after-worship Sunday would include watching the Sounders with a hearty brunch.

Tami Jones

Discipleship Pastor
Tami joined the staff in 2017 and joined the pastoral team in 2022. Her favorite movie is Pride and Prejudice (only the A & E version will do!), and enjoys cooking and all things sourdough.

Charles Molenkamp

Family Life Pastor
Charles jumped into SVA ministry in 2023! You'll find Charles either on an adventure (He once went to Spain for a weekend), learning and reading something new, or spending quality time getting to know people. Be sure to ask him about cashews ON pizza...

Jon Wren

Executive Pastor
Jon joined the SVA Team in 2024 and is the mastermind behind all logistics and business of the church. 

Staff Team

Rachel Brady

Missions Mobilizer
Rachel and her family have been a part of SVA for over 10 years! After serving on the Leadership Council, Rachel stepped onto the staff team in 2024 to help mobilize the church to live on mission!

Anne Creamer

Anne has been here from the very beginning, she was at the first ever SVA staff meeting in June of 1999! She's a lover of the outdoors and an amazing nature photography, and her go to movie is Roman Holiday.

Raunwyn Cotogna-Denney

Preschool Lead
Raunwyn started here in 2020. She loves all things Disney and has a passion for sustainable & nourishing food. You can count on her spending her Sunday afternoons with her amazing, fun family!

Mark Lawrence

Sound Tech
Mark has been a pillar of the SVA community since 2006. You can find him on Sunday's hidden in the sound booth, seamlessly coordinating pieces of our services. Mark is the lead singer of a pretty incredible band - stop and ask him sometime!

Julie McGehe

Sunday Coordinator &
Funeral Coordinator
Julie has been a part of the SVA family for 20+ years! If you haven't met her, we recommend starting the conversation with pickle ball--you'll be joining her team before you know it!

Sue VerGowe

Administrative Assistant
Sue has been holding the fort down and keeping the staff sane since July 2021. She loves ending her Sunday's walking her puppy and snuggling up at home. Her favorite meal on a cold day is taco soup with avocado and cheese--yum!

Carl Wren

Facilities Manager
Carl joined the team officially in 2025 - bringing with him a wealth of ministry and maitnenance/facilities expertise. Whether he's changing light bulbs or fixing a faucet, you'll find him whistling with joy as he serves the Lord. (P.S. Jon may get his good looks from him!)

Lay Elders

Starting in January 2025, SVA is transitioning to a Governance Board model of leadership. Click below to learn more!

Rev. Baly Botten

Lead Pastor

Mike Anderson


Chad Nesland


Dan Litzenberg

Beth Wilkinson

 Diane Bankson


Governance Board

SVA Church is led by a Governance Board of both Lay Elders and Staff Pastors - a long-discerned model that was implemented in early 2025. Click below to read more on the formation, function, and theological foundation of SVA's leadership structures.