Governance Board

Transparency. Unity. Impact.

“Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.”

Acts 20:28


After a four-year journey (2020-2024) of prayer, discernment, and dedication in stewarding the mission God has entrusted to SVA Church., SVA began operating under a restructured governance system in 2025.  Regardless of changes, the mission of our church remains steadfast: to make known the redeeming, renewing, and reconciling love of Jesus.

The purpose and function of any churches governance system is to  bring glory to God by providing order and leadership to the body, of whom Christ is the Head. We believe this governance system for SVA brings sharper clarity, reinforces our core values, and unifies our leadership strengths, establishing a solid foundation for the future of ministry.




Biblical Convictions

After much time in Biblical study and discernment, the SVA Leadership Team developed these four synthesized statements on key areas of church governance. These statements are a simplified summary of what we believe God’s Word affirms for His local body.

Purpose of Church Governance

We believe church governance brings glory to God by providing order and leadership to the body, of whom Christ is the Head. It is marked by a plurality of leaders in submission to Holy Spirit and one another, a use of authority towards care and restoration, and is accountable doctrinally, financially, and morally.
(Acts 20:28, 1 Cor. 14, Col. 1:18, Prov. 11:14, 24:6, 1 Pet. 5:1-4, Matt. 18, Heb. 13:17)

Unified Role of Elders & Pastors

We believe that Elders and Pastors have the same (one office, not separate) responsibility, authority, and qualifications while operating in different functions depending upon their gifting.
(Acts 20:28, 1 Peter 5:1-11, 1 Tim. 3:1-7, Titus1:5-9, 1 Tim. 5:17, Eph. 4:11)

Qualifications & Duties

We believe their qualifications to be someone who is surrendered to Holy Spirit, wise, disciplined, and a faithful servant to God, neighbor, and family (1 Tim. 3:1-7, Titus1:5-9) and who’s responsibility is to oversee God’s church with discernment, teaching and restoration, counsel, encouragement, and prayer/anointing/laying of hands.
(Acts 20:28, 1 Peter 5, James 5:14, 1 Tim. 5:18)

Gender Equality in Leadership

We believe the Bible identifies the uniqueness and necessity of both male and female genders in making up the “image of God” in humanity; while being equal in value, each gender is unique in purpose. We further believe that evidence in Scripture supports men and women in leadership. Therefore, we believe those overseeing the affairs of the church family, Elders and Pastors, need to reflect the uniqueness of both genders and should include qualified men and women. (Micah 6:4, Judges 4, Joel 2:28-32, Galatians 5:17, 1 Cor. 16, Rom. 16) 



Governance Board

Based on our Biblical understanding of the office of Elder/Pastor, SVA is led by a single Governance Board (GB) leadership model.  The GB consists of vetted and selected Lay Elders and Staff Pastors. We believe this unified board brings greater unity to the leadership of our church, while allowing for Elders/Pastors who are gifted uniquely to function in their strengths. Although all on the Board are considered Elders, duties, levels of select decisions, and areas of input are wisely allocated per our bylaws and operating procedures.
  • Lay Elders (Governing Elders) primarily offer financial, doctrinal, and moral oversight and safeguarding to the flock Staff.
  • Staff Pastors (Teaching Elders) primarily offer shepherding and teaching to the flock through direct ministry work.

President Position

To ensure equity and shared leadership, a Lay Elder of the board is nominated and approved as the President of the Board for a two year term. The Lead Pastor continues to oversee the staff and day-to-day operations and ministries of the church while the Board President's scope will be focused to Governance Board oversight. Together, they will comprise the Executive Committee of the board.

Equality in Leadership

In alignment with our Biblical understanding, SVA formally recognizes and celebrates that God gifts, calls, and empowers both men and women to serve in all church leadership roles. Although SVA has functioned in this way from our founding, this formal recognition allows us to lead with transparency and integrity in affirming our leadership practices. If interested in how we came to this Biblical conclusion, you can read a summary of our process in the Theological Brief on Gender in Church Leadership

Bylaws of the Church

As part of our Governance Restructuring process that finalized in 2025, the Governance Board has edited and begun operating under new bylaws to reflect these changes.  These bylaws are not to be officially approved and implemented until mid-2025.


Frequently Asked Questions

Where does this Governance structure leave SVA with our denomination, The Christian & Missionary Alliance?
We remain a fully accredited church of the C&MA. SVA continues to treasure the Alliance’s rich history, strong theological foundation, wise leadership, and supportive structures for local churches. Our only restructuring element that isn’t explicitly reflected in current C&MA policy is the recognition of women as Elders—a topic the denomination is actively discussing at a national level. By affirming the leadership gifts of both men and women, SVA contributes to this broader conversation while remaining wholly committed to our denominational family.
Why do some ministry staff hold the title “Pastor” while others have the title “Director”?
In alignment with the C&MA, the title of “Pastor” is granted to individuals who have completed the denomination’s pastoral licensing process (or its equivalent in another denomination). This robust process includes theological study, doctrinal exams, and affirmation of one’s ministry calling. While SVA encourages staff to pursue pastoral licensing, it is not always required. Our “Directors” may still perform pastoral functions and are fully recognized as called and equipped for ministry, regardless of title.
Will all Pastors/Directors at SVA automatically serve on the Governance Board?
No. Whether someone holds a pastoral title or not, each candidate—staff or lay—must go through a formal nomination, vetting, and approval process before serving on the Governance Board. This ensures we give new pastors or directors ample time to establish their ministry wisdom and leadership capacity.
Will SVA have official Co-Lead Pastors?
The Governance Team has deeply considered a Co-Lead Pastor model, which aligns with our vision of shared, non-hierarchical leadership. However, we do not sense clear direction from God to adopt that model at this time. Although not pursuing official Co-Lead Pastors right now, these current governance changes position SVA for such a transition should we sense God’s leading in that direction. We remain open to the possibility in the future, as we believe shared leadership:
  • Is a biblical model of leadership
  • Diffuses power and helps keep egos in check
  • Practices and demonstrates mutual submission
  • Multiplies giftedness and reduces isolation
  • Protects pastors from burnout and fatigue
  • Resonates with future generations wary of hierarchical power structures
When will the next Leadership Development cohort launch?
Historically known as The Timothy Institute, this year-long leadership development course was originally designed by our founding pastor, Monty Wright. The Governance Board is currently revamping the curriculum to serve SVA in a new season, with plans to launch a new cohort in Summer/Fall 2025. Given SVA’s growth and diversity over the past four years, we’re eager to equip individuals who sense God’s call on their lives—regardless of the specific ministry context to which He is leading them.