Conversation 6: Freedom From Future-Tripping
Apr 9, 2017 • Rev. Monty C. Wright • SVA, Sunday, Church, Sermon, Conversation, Snoqualmie Valley Alliance, 23rd Psalm, Subtraction, God, De-stress, Pastor, Monty Wright, Week 6, Verse 6, Future-Tripping, goodness, mercy
This Sunday conversation is the 6th and final message in the series based on the 23rd Psalm, called Subtraction, God's Plan to De-stress Your Life. In this message , Pastor Monty focuses on verse 6, " Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever." Freedom from Future-tripping speaks to the confidence that God desires for our day to day lives, knowing that our eternity is taken care of when we trust in Jesus. The key is realizing and depending upon God's grace and mercy to free us for today. To find out more, listen to conversation 6, Freedom from Future-tripping.