Conversation 1: Freedom from Anxiety
Mar 5, 2017 • Rev. Monty C. Wright • SVA, Sunday, Church, Sermon, Conversation, Snoqualmie Valley Alliance, 23rd Psalm, Subtraction, God, Jesus, De-stress, “Professional worrier”, Pastor, Monty, Wright, Worry, Freedom, Anxiety
The new series is based on the 23rd Psalm, called Subtraction, God's Plan to De-stress Your Life. We live in such a fasted paced society, with so many things tugging and pulling at us, it is easy to become a "professional worrier." Yet, this is not what God intends for His people. In this Sunday conversation, Pastor Monty speaks about three things that will free us from anxiety and worry. To find out more, listen to conversation 1, Freedom from Anxiety.