Follow Me

The Greatest Invitation

Conversation 8: Unfollow
Jun 16, 2019    Rev. Monty C. Wright    SVA, Sunday, Sermon, Snoqualmie, Valley, Alliance, God, Jesus, Monty, Wright, Follow, Me, Conversation, 8, Unfollow, Leave, Transition, Temptation, Trouble, Clarity
Conversation 7: The Secret of Leading Great focuses on a conversation that Jesus had with His discip
Jun 9, 2019    Rev. Monty C. Wright    SVA, Sunday, Sermon, Snoqualmie, Valley, Alliance, God, Jesus, Monty, Wright, Follow, Me, Conversation, 7, Secret, Leading, Great, Mark, Leadership, Authority
Conversation 6: Wanting To Want
Jun 2, 2019    Baly Botten    SVA, Sunday, Sermon, Snoqualmie, Valley, Alliance, God, Jesus, Baly, Botten, Follow, Me, Conversation, 6, Consumerism, Consumer-Christianity, Perspective, Me, Hearts, Wanting, Want
Conversation 5: The Disclosure Statement
May 26, 2019    Rev. Monty C. Wright    SVA, Sunday, Sermon, Snoqualmie, Valley, Alliance, God, Jesus, Monty, Wright, Follow, Me, Conversation, 5, Disclosure, Statement, Mark, Identity, Moral, Following, Fork, Road
Conversation 4: Jesus Swag
May 19, 2019    Rev. Monty C. Wright    SVA, Sunday, Sermon, Snoqualmie, Valley, Alliance, God, Jesus, Monty, Wright, Follow, Me, Conversation, 4, Swag, Apostle, Paul, Colossians, Clothe, Clothes, Christ
Conversation 3: What's The Payoff
May 12, 2019    Rev. Monty C. Wright    SVA, Sunday, Sermon, Snoqualmie, Valley, Alliance, God, Jesus, Monty, Wright, Follow, Me, Conversation, 3, Payoff, Afraid, Faith, Fear
Conversation 2: Small Steps...
May 5, 2019    Rev. Monty C. Wright    SVA, Sunday, Sermon, Snoqualmie, Valley, Alliance, God, Jesus, Monty, Wright, Follow, Me, Conversation, 2, Small, Steps
Conversation 1: The Simplicity of Following
Apr 28, 2019    Rev. Monty C. Wright    SVA, Sunday, Sermon, Snoqualmie, Valley, Alliance, God, Jesus, Monty, Wright, Follow, Me, Conversation, 1, Simplicity, Matthew, Relationship, Invitation, Invited