Conversation 8: Unfollow

Jun 16, 2019    Rev. Monty C. Wright    SVA, Sunday, Sermon, Snoqualmie, Valley, Alliance, God, Jesus, Monty, Wright, Follow, Me, Conversation, 8, Unfollow, Leave, Transition, Temptation, Trouble, Clarity

Unfollow is the last Sunday conversation in the Follow Me series. There is a significant crossroad that all of Jesus’ followers encountered, a pivot moment that caused a number of them to press the “unfollow” button and leave. Jesus then asked the 12 that were left, “You do not want to leave too, do you?” Peter then responded by saying, “Where shall we go?” Have you been there? When you are at that place where you are contemplating unfollowing due to transition, temptation, and trouble, God wants us to have clarity so we can make the right choice and not have regrets. To hear more this clarity, listen to conversation 8, Unfollow.

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