Conversation 3: Unfixed Beauty

Jan 27, 2019    Rev. Monty C. Wright    SVA, Sunday, Sermon, Snoqualmie, Valley, Alliance, God, Jesus, Monty, Wright, 2019, Ripples, Vision, Unfixed, Beauty, 3, Mess, Messy, Zacchaeus, Healing, Wounds

Unfixed Beauty is the third conversation in the Ripples series is it is a story that we enter that is a bit messy. Life is a mess at times, and God can use this “unfixedness” to draw us closer to Him. In this message, Pastor Monty walks us through the messy story of Zacchaeus where Jesus brings a healing to substantially deeper to wounds than what you may observe in a casual reading. The Lord desires to do this for us as well and to hear more, listen to conversation three, Unfixed Beauty.