Conversation 8: Jesus and #Hashtags 2

Mar 3, 2019    Rev. Monty C. Wright    SVA, Sunday, Sermon, Snoqualmie, Valley, Alliance, God, Jesus, Monty, Wright, 2019, Ripples, Vision, 8, Conversation, Hashtags, #, #metoo, #churchtoo, #Wecandobetter

Jesus and #Hastags 2 is the last Sunday conversation in the Ripples series that addresses topics such as #metoo, #churchtoo, and #wecandobetter. Pastor Monty started this conversation with a quote from a post this week from author Sarah Bessey, who said, “Patriarchy is not God’s dream for humanity.” This leads to the question, what is God’s intended purpose for us? To hear the answer to this question, listen to conversation 8, Jesus and #Hastags 2.