Conversation 1: The God Who Sees and Hears

Jun 11, 2017    Rev. Monty C. Wright    SVA, Sunday, Church, Sermon, Snoqualmie, Valley, Alliance, Conversation, 1, Thirst, God, Sees, Hears, Hagar, Genesis, Abram, Shur, Wall, Monty, Wright

This is the first Sunday conversation from the new series Thirst, about physical thirst as analogy for spiritual thirst where God graciously supplies the need. The God Who Sees & Hears is a story about Hagar in the book of Genesis chapters 16 & 21, where she runs from the family of promise to escape abuse, and God meets her in the midst of her time of need. God desires to meet us in the midst of our own circumstances and need. To hear more about this, listen to conversation 1, The God Who Sees & Hears