Conversation 3: Broken Cisterns and Living Water

Jul 2, 2017    Pastor Kristin Moomaw    SVA, Sunday, Church, Sermon, Snoqualmie, Valley, Alliance, Conversation, 3, Thirst, Kristen, Broken, Cisterns, Living, Water, Jeremiah, 2:13, God, June, 2n

Broken Cisterns and Living Water is the third installment of the Thirst series,. In this Sunday conversation, Pastor Kristin cited Jeremiah 2:13 as a contrast of how God desires to quench His people’s spiritual thirst with “fountain of living waters”, versus the children of Israel going their own way and settling for “broken cisterns.” Only Jesus can satiate our needs when we rely upon Him. To hear more about His desire to quench our thirst, listen to conversation three, Broken Cisterns and Living Water.