Youth Ministry

A Space To Belong

SVA Church Youth Ministries exists to be a place where Middle and High School students can experience the renewing, redeeming, and restoring love of Jesus. We know that for most students this is a time they are exploring their identity and learning to develop “their” community.  Thus, we place a heavy emphasis on creating spaces where students feel belonging, develop new friendships, all in the context of the truth of who Jesus says we are. Currently we offer programs weekly on Wednesday’s, Sunday’s during services, fun events, service opportunities, mission trips, and life-changing camps.

Join Us

Sundays at the 9:00 and 10:30 worship services (most Sundays).  We leave the adult service after worship to meet in the Family Life Center upper room.  There we learn about God, each other, and have some fun.  Sundays are designed to help us process through the foundational questions and teachings of what it means to follow Jesus. Check the youth banner in the lobby on your way into worship to verify if youth is meeting during that service or your staying to learn from Pastor Baly!

SVA Youth Group Wednesdays from 6:00-8:00 pm.  This is a great time to hang out with friends, make new friends over a scrumptious dinner, laugh while playing games, enjoy a time of musical worship, hear an insightful message about who God is, and have time in small groups to talk about your perspective on our topic for the night.  

Special Events happen throughout the year.  Make sure you and your parent/guardian is signed up for the newsletters below to stay up to date on all the fun upcoming activities and opportunities.  

Stay Informed

There are three main ways to stay up to date on all the happenings for SVA Students:

Sign up for text message via Remind

This is our reminders and last-minute update platform, if say, it’s snowing and we need to cancel a Wednesday evening for safety reasons.

Middle School: Text @svamss to 81010

High School: Text @svahss to 81010

Sign up for the SVA Youth Email

This is an email that will be sent to keep you up to date on special events, youth specific information, info on camps, etc.  This will be used as needed.

Sign up for the SVA Family Life email

Parents, this is a must for you if you want to be kept up to date on what your students are learning on Sunday’s and Wednesdays, what’s coming up, and other important links.  This is email is sent just once a month but is the one stop shop to make sure you have regular updates.

Follow Us On Instagram

This is your place to get pictures and videos from events, camps, and other fun events.

Adults Serving with SVA Youth Ministry

Serving in Youth is both fun and rewarding.  You’ll get to walk alongside students as they explore their identity and hear who God says they are.  Additionally, you’ll be able to process with them how they are going to respond to Jesus’ invitation to, “Come and follow me.”   It’s an adventure for sure!

To help regularly on Sunday’s or Wednesday’s click on the Volunteer button and complete that short form and someone from the Youth Team will be in touch soon.  The process is designed to be as quick as possible, while ensuring the safety of our students (Which is VERY important to us). In the process we will have you complete a short application, a background check, and go through a training offered through a company called Ministry Safe.  Additionally, will make sure your trained and resourced before you officially start as well.

To Sign up for the Parent Support Team click that button.  This team will just complete the background check, and then when needs such as chaperoning an event, or extra drivers are needed, or some other specific, sporadic need develops, we’ll send this team the ask, and they’ll be ready to help if they’re able.

What's Next?

Events Calendar