Stephen Ministry

We are the caregivers, but God is the curegiver

Christ-Centered Care Every Step of the Way

We all experience difficulties in life and can benefit from a little extra care and support from time to time. Stephen Ministers are trained to provide high-quality, confidential one-on-one Christ-centered care to individuals in our community. They will meet weekly and walk alongside those who find themselves in a season of difficulty for as long as their need continues.
Stephen Ministers are not professional counselors or therapists or able to solve all your problems. They are a child of God gifted to walk alongside someone who is hurting or going through a difficulty.

Stephen Minister can help with a wide range of situations, such as:

  • Loss of a spouse, child, close family member, friend, or relative
  • Hospitalization
  • Divorce or separation
  • Loneliness or discouragement
  • Retirement changes
  • Birth, adoption, miscarriage, or infertility
  • Aging
  • Mental Distress
  • Being Homebound
  • Unemployment or job change
  • Chronic illness
  • Relocation
  • Spiritual crises
  • Caregiving for another
  • And more…

Frequently Asked Questions

Stephen Ministry

What do I do if I am interested in receiving care?
We are so glad (and proud!) you are taking a step to receive care through whatever situation you are facing. That is often the hardest but necessary first step!
The next step is to click the "receive care" button and  fill out the form. This confidential submission is then received by Pastor Tami, and we will contact you within the next week.
How long do I meet with my minister?
There is no time limit on how long you will meet with your Stephen Minister. They will walk with you weekly for as long as your need continues.
Where does Stephen Ministry come from?
Stephen Ministry is a ministry that was founded in 1975 and is found in over 13,000 congregations, 180 denominations, and 30 countries. Over 600,000 people have been trained as Stephen Ministers!  You can read more about Stephen Ministry parent organization at:

Stephen Ministers

How do I become a Stephen Minister?
Stephen Ministers come from all walks of life, bringing a passion for Christ's love and care to people in need. You'll go through training sessions designed to give you skills to provide Christian caregiving to help people who are hurting. Stephen Ministers receive 40+ hours of training, covered in 20 sessions.
If you feel called to become a Stephen Minister, you may contact Pastor Tami Jones ( with further questions.
Why should I become a Stephen Minister?
Click the "7 Reasons Why" button to read why you should consider becoming a Stephen Minister!