Conversation 2: Turkish Delight, Breaking Free from Destructive Habits

Dec 4, 2016    Monty Wright    SVA, Church, Sunday, Sermon, Monty, Wright, Conversation, Narnia, Week 2, Christmas, Turkish Delight, Destructive habits, God

This Sunday conversation is the second of the new Advent series, Christmas in Narnia, based on C.S. Lewis' classic book the Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. This message is entitled “Turkish Delight, Breaking Free from Destructive Habits,” which speaks to those areas where we are most vulnerable and tend to have clouded judgment that minimizes the sin that in our life. God desires to help us break free from these strongholds, and has provided the power to change when we rely upon Him. To hear more, listen to conversation 2, Turkish Delight, Breaking Free from Destructive Habits.